My name is Bernhard Kutzler. I am a philosopher, mathematician, and numerologist.

I have always been passionately curious. That’s why I studied mathematics and became a scientist and entrepreneur. Along the way, I also trained as a nutritionist, psychological hand reader, numerologist, and alchemist.

In 2009, I ended my career in mathematics and started a new career as a mental coach. In 2014, I also ended that career to devote myself fully to exploring the question ‘What am I?’… and to find a way of uniting science and spirituality. I lived 3.5 years without social interaction to find and explore the programs that control much of my behavior and thinking; and I wanted to free myself from them. In the process, I developed a Theory of Mind, which I expanded into a Theory of Everything. This resulted in three books: one on consciousness, one on curiosity, and one on being free.

Among other things, my explorations revolve around the mind, the nature of our existence, consciousness, social programming, personal growth, and methods of self-exploration. I share my findings, insights, and experiences in my books, articles, podcasts, and videos.


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